This mountain, the highest on the island, is, according to Captain Ross, who has measured it, about one thousand five hundred feet above the level of the sea, and is composed of trap approaching to basalt in the compactness of its structure.
In ascending it, I followed the course of a delightful stream which rises near its summit, and found by its side a number of interesting plants; amongst them the Beckia chinensis, Myrtus tomentosus, in abundance, and in full flower, Melastoma quinquenervia, several orchideous plants, a variety of ferns.
This mountain, the highest on the island, is, according to Captain Ross, who has measured it, about one thousand five hundred feet above the level of the sea, and is composed of trap approaching to basalt in the compactness of its structure.
In ascending it, I followed the course of a delightful stream which rises near its summit, and found by its side a number of interesting plants; amongst them the Beckia chinensis, Myrtus tomentosus, in abundance, and in full flower, Melastoma quinquenervia, several orchideous plants, a variety of ferns.
In ascending it, I followed the course of a delightful stream which rises near its summit, and found by its side a number of interesting plants; amongst them the Beckia chinensis, Myrtus tomentosus, in abundance, and in full flower, Melastoma quinquenervia, several orchideous plants, a variety of ferns.
Ink and color on silk, 24 x 32 cm